Wednesday, April 15, 2020
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Purple Rose Theatre Company
137 Park Street
Chelsea, MI
This event has been cancelled due to the coronavirus.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 3 p.m. play begins
1 p.m. lunch, optional
There are 16 tickets available for purchase at a cost of $30 per person. Sign up and pay to Kathy Toman at the general meeting, Tuesday, March 17. Make payment payable to the Jug & Mug Ski Club. Payment will guarantee you a ticket.
Also, let Kathy know your choice of either the Smokehouse 52 or the Common Grill Restaurants to eat lunch. Linda needs numbers to make reservations.
Linda Lillie, chairperson, will return to Michigan late March to complete arrangements. She will determine the meetup time at the Park and Ride off the Okemos exit behind the Cracker Barrel and arrange volunteers to drive to car pool. She can be contacted at 517-290-0189 (text or call).
Five long-time best friends, in great need of a girls’ night out, gather for a bachelorette paint-and-sip night at their local art studio. As the wine and paint flow freely, secrets and long-held tensions come to the surface. Attempting to make contact with their inner artists, they confront buried truths about themselves and their relationships, proving that life, like art, rarely turns out exactly as planned.
*Contains adult language & content.