Sunday, June 28, 2015
Portland Community Lake Park
Shelter 2
Portland, MI
The president’s picnic will be held at the Portland Community Lake Park, the same location as last year. The Club is requesting you sign up in advance so we have an adequate count for planning; only $5 for members and children and $8 for non-members. Sign ups and payments for the picnic will be done at the May 19 and June 16 General Meetings or contact Joanne Creede or Orestes Mavromatis to let them know you plan to attend.
If you have not renewed your 2015-16 membership, you can do so at the picnic.
Shelter 2 in the park is reserved for the day; we plan to start around 2:00 pm. Meat and buns will be provided. Dave Panetta, as usual, will be grilling, serving around 5:00 pm. Bring your own beverage and a dish to share.
There is also a beautiful river trail for walking and biking. Bring your bike to ride the path. There is plenty of room to play a volleyball game or other yard game. Last year the weather was perfect. Those attending biked the trail before and after the meal as well as walked it. Those who kayaked met at the shelter 2 area.
If you have any questions, contact vice presidents, Joanne Creede at 285-4795 or, or Orestes Mavromatis at or 349-4553.
Click on the link below to view and print the flyer.