POTLUCK and Party at Kathy Sibley’s Lake House CANCELLED

Saturday, September 19, 2020
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Kathy Sibley’s House

4621 W Almy
Six Lakes, MI 48886


Dates: September 19, noon to 6 pm

RSVP Required: contact Janell Count, 208-989-1711 (call/text), or email

20-person limit – first-come basis – waitlist will be established

Event Fee: $5 per person

Kathy has generously offered for us to have a club party at her beautiful lake home in Six Lakes,
about 60 miles from Lansing.

Hamburgers and hotdogs will be furnished – please bring a dish to pass (side dishes, snacks,
and desserts). BYOB or choice of beverage.

Kathy has 5 kayaks for us to use, or feel free to bring your own kayak or canoe. There is a boat
launch less than 1/4 mile from her house for anyone who wishes to bring a larger boat. Kathy
said there is a steep hill with stairs leading down to the water and boathouse.

The party date is subject to change pending the weather. At this time, the 19th is expected to be
a combination of sun and clouds, with a high temp of 66. If the weather forecast changes to
rain, the party will be postponed until Saturday, September 26.

RECAP: bring a dish to pass – BYOB – bring lawn or camp chair
Questions and RSVPs: please contact Janell 208-989-1711, janell.rescue@gmail.com
Sharon Roberts 517-230-5357, and Rich Rybicki 517-755-6136 will co-host.