MSU vs UofM Hockey Game
Munn Ice Arena, 6 p.m. Game Begins
SOLD OUT. Happy Hour begins at 4 p.m. at Coral Gables.
Call Dave if you wish to be put on a wait list in case there is a cancellation.
Parking: MSU Football Stadium, across from Munn. The cost is $5.00 per car.
Dave Howe has purchased 20 tickets for a cost of $10 per person with membership getting priority to purchase. Tickets will be available at the General Meeting, Tuesday, January 21, at Tony M’s from Dave. Do not hesitate, as these tickets will be sold fast. Make payment to Dave.
Reminder, no bags or purses allowed.
Dave can be contacted at 517-316-6488.
Happy Hour, tonight, the 14th of February, is scheduled for Coral Cables. Please watch for any last day changes on Facebook or via email. Contact Kathy Toman if you have questions, 517-896-6278.