January 21, 2020
Pacific Northwest & California
Featuring Washington, Oregon and California
September 20-27, 2020
A Special Travel Presentation by our Collette Representation, Ed, will be on Tuesday, January 21, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Tony M’s on Creyts Road. This event is scheduled before the General Meeting, so come to both. You do not have to be a member to attend or go on this trip.
If you plan to attend the presentation, please RSVP before noon on Tuesday, January 21, to Deb Maynard 517-899-9682 or complete the form below and submit to her so she has an idea how many plan to attend.
The evening of the presentation is a great time to sign up and pay your trip deposit of $500 and an additional $299 if you choose to add trip insurance. Also, an additional $50 credit will be given to those signing up and paying their deposit this evening or before January 21, 2020. Also, if you took a Collette trip within the past year, a $150 credit will be given to you on your final statement.
Be sure to note the deadline of March 20, 2020, for the $150 book now savings. We have 20 spaces reserved until March 20, 2020. Your flight is included as well as transportation to and from Lansing to Detroit Wayne Airport. It is our understanding, we are flying Delta again.
Trip Information Gateway is:
The 1002081 is the Jug and Mug trip number.
For reservations, you can contact COLLETTE at (877) 263-5013.
The Club’s Travel Committee involved with this trip to contact are: Sharon Roberts, (517) 230-5357 or; Deb Maynard (517)899-9682 or Judy Long, (517) 349-0925 or Linda Lillie, (517) 0290-0189 or Barb Tanaka, (517)347-0638. You can contact any one of those listed above regarding information as reservation and deposit. All reservations and deposits submitted before the January 21 presentation will be collected and forwarded to Sharon.
Please complete and submit if you plan to attend the Presentation on January 21, 2020.