Cedar Bend Farms
2 nights lodging; Friday night welcome party; Saturday breakfast, lunch and dinner; and Sunday breakfast. Cost for the weekend is $90.
Enjoy cross-country skiing, snow shoeing, tubing, zip lining or just relaxing on the property.
Or venture to Schuss/Shanty Creek or Boyne Resorts, both within 25 miles of the farm. This is St. Pats weekend. The slush cup will be held at Schuss/Shanty Creek.
Sign up at the General Meetings or send payment made out to Jug & Mug Ski Club to: Jug & Mug Ski Club, Rich Rybicki, P.O. Box 254, East Lansing, MI 48826. Payment is due February 18, 2020.
This event is being planned by Rich Rybicki with assistance from Janice Pierce, Jo Moening and Tom Saras.