Annual Outdoor Party and Plant Exchange

Saturday, May 20, 2017
2:00 pm - 10:00 pm

The Season’s First Outdoor Event

Plant Exchange, Kayaking, Games, Bonfire, Great Food

 At 2 p.m., all those wishing to canoe or kayak are invited to participate with plans to leave from Rich’s home. It’s about a 90-minute float from Eaton Rapids to Bunker Landing, just past Rich’s home.   If you want to kayak and do not have one, check with Rich as one may be available or the Eaton Rapids rental will be open.  Rich has a canoe to lend.   Sunshine and warmth has been promised.  Always a fun trip!!

At 4 p.m. the annual plant exchange will take place.  Be sure to bring any plants you want to share/give away.  Please label you plant(s) with its name, care instructions and if it prefers shade, sun or or part sun/shade.

At 6 p-.m. food will be served.   As usual, Rich will be grilling something for all of us.  Bring a dish to share, your beverage, a chair. and games to play.

There will also be the usual garden tours, hikes, morel hunting, and a campfire followed by fireworks.

If it rains, the pole barn and house will be available to mingle in.

Getting to Rich’s home at 1245 S Michigan Road, Eaton Rapids:  Traveling south on M99, go past the English Inn, go past Bunker Highway and then get into the left lane and take that first turn around across the highway onto the tree lined, unpaved road.  You will be at the beginning of the driveway.   Look for the Jug&Mug Sign.

If going north on M99, after the fire station, look for the Jug&Mug Sign on your right which will be at the beginning of the driveway.

Contact Rich at 517-663-1854.