Friday, February 08, 2019
― Sunday, February 10, 2019
3:00 pm - 11:00 am
Stafford’s Perry Hotel
100 Lewis Street
Petoskey, MI 49770
A Winter Outing Up North
Skiing, Shopping, Casino, Wineries
February 8-10, 2019
Stafford’s Historic Perry Hotel
100 Lewis Street, Petoskey
The Perry Hotel is located downtown Petoskey. Walk out the front door and begin shopping, finding a restaurant, or walking along the shoreline. This weekend provides the chance to explore activities from downhill and/or cross-country skiing, tubing, gaming, shopping, wine tasting and more.
It is less than a 30 minute drive to ski resorts. Saturday is normally a ski day for downhill or xcountry skiers.
- Call Perry Hotel’s reservations at (800) 737-1899 and tell them you are with the Jug & Mug Ski Club group to get the room group rate when reserving your room.
- Rooms have been blocked Friday – Sunday.
- January 8, 2019, is deadline to make room reservation at the group rate. After the 8th, reservations will be accepted per availability. Call the hotel if you missed the January 8 deadline and see if they have a room available.
- Cancellation and payment is per the hotel policies.
- Let Rich Rybicki know you have reserved a room and who will be going. He can be contacted at (517) 663-1854 or
Room rates are based on double occupancy. Daily breakfast vouchers to the H.O. Rose Room is included in room rate.
- Economy Queen, $149.00 per night for 2.
- Economy 2 Double Beds, $149.00per night for 2.
- Additional guest charge is $20 per night per person. Verify this option when making a reservation.
State and sales tax is an additional 11%.
If you are looking to share a room, consider reserving a room while looking for a roommate. Also, let Rich know if you want to share a room.