Holland Tulip Festival Day Trip

Thursday, May 08, 2025
9:00 am - 8:00 pm

Sportsman Warehouse

8757 Delta Market Drive
Lansing, MI

THURSDAY, May 8, 2025

Please join us for a fun outing to Holland to see the tulips!

We will meet at the Sportsman’s Warehouse parking lot, 8757 Delta Market Dr., Lansing, at 9 a.m. and car pool.

Activities will be determined by those attending and what we decide to do as a group whether it be Windmill Island Gardens and DeZwaan Windmill, Nelis’ Dutch Village, Tulip Garden, Dutch dances, or other.

We will decide on our restaurant for lunch and meet there if there is more than one vehicle traveling.

Tulip Time Festival Office, (616) 396-4221, or for detailed festival information click on:  https://tuliptime.com/visit

Click on the following link, Event Schedules, to open the festival guide to learn about …..

  • Dutch dance schedules and location
  • Windmill Island Gardens and DeZwaan Windmill Tour
  • On-Stage Music and Entertainment.
  • Street Scrubbing and Parade, May 8th.  Dutch costume, grab a broom, and scrub the streets clean to start the parade. The Gentex Kinderparade showcases local children in traditional Dutch costumes. They march through downtown, representing different Dutch provinces, accompanied by bands and floats. If you wish, Thur. May 8, 2:00 pm | Bleacher Seating Available, $20/p
  • Tulip Emerson Garden,  May 5-10,  8:00 am – 5:00 pm: adults – $15/p; Beechwood Church | 895 Ottawa Beach Rd. Guests take a self-guided tour through the history of the tulip, from its origins in Turkey, to the Netherlands to Holland, MI.  A variety of 65,000 tulips have been planted.
  • And More.


Please let a hostess know of your plans to join them and if you would drive if needed.  

Hostess,  Ingrid Todd, call or text (517) 652-9451
Hostess,  Ann Jones, call or text (517-652-9451