Christmas Party at Crowne Plaza Hotel

Saturday, December 09, 2023
6:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Crowne Plaza Hotel

925 S Creyts Rd
Lansing, MI 48917


The Club is excited to be hosting its Christmas Party at the Crowne Plaza Hotel West Lansing, located off of I496 and Creyts Exit. The party will be held in the Cord banquet room!

Music will be provided by Tony Thompson and Friends.   Tony has been and continues to play at various venues in Lansing and in Michigan. 

Dinner Choices Are:

    1. Moroccan Chicken:  Grilled chicken breast garnished with an artichoke, olive, and lemon ragout.
    2. Bavette Steak: Grilled to medium, dressed with a whiskey peppercorn sauce.
    3. Grilled Salmon: Poblano crema, roasted corn relish.

**All dinners are served with salad, vegetable, potatoes, vegetables, rolls, and dessert. Coffee, hot or iced tea, and lemonade will be included.   The cost is $65 per member and $70 for guests/non-members.


  • Deadline for payment and your entree choice is Monday, December 2, 2023.  Make payment to the Jug and Mug Ski Club or pay by PayPal below.
  • There will be no cancellations or refunds after Monday, December 2, 2023.
  • There will be NO signups or payments taken the night of the event.
  • 6 to 7 p.m. is Social hour.  Entrees will be vegetables with dip and meatballs.
  • 6-11 p.m. A cash bar will be available
  • 7 – 8 p.m. Dinner will be served.
  • 8-11 p.,m. The Band plays.
  • A variety of Christmas dinner music and dance music will be played throughout the evening.

Dressy attire appreciated, please no jeans, etc. 

A room reservation can be made by calling 877-322-5544 or on-line at  Crown Plaza Lansing West.

Chair: Ingrid Todd (517) 652-9451 or
Co-Chair: Gail Sleeman (517) 202-9546 or
Co-Chair: Irene Zipp (5170896-0861 or