Saturday, June 11, 2016
2:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Cornwell’s Turkeyville
18935 15 1/2 Mile Road
Marshall, MI 49068
The play, Nana’s Naughty Kickers, will be performed after the buffet dinner at the Cornwell Dinner Theater Turkeyville USA. Many have not been there so this is the perfect opportunity to join your friends for a “Sure To Be” fun and eventful outing.
The play is like an episode of the Golden Girls It is a comedy by a playwright, Katy DiSavino…the dialog is crisp and funny, and the action fast-paced. It’s about Bridget and her Grandmother who are about to become roommates. However, Bridget saw this as an opportunity to spend the summer in New York City. It seemed to her that her Grandmother was running an illegal boutique from her apartment. The summer quickly turned into an experience she will never forget.
[hr]The cost per person is
- $42.00 for members
- $45.00 for guest/non-member
Signups and payments will be taken at the April 19 and May 17 General Meetings at Trippers in the Frandor Mall. Or send payment made out to Jug and Mug Ski Club to Cindee Picklo, 1940 Pawne Trail, Okemos, MI 48864.
Event chair is Cindee Picklo, (517) 331-7800 and co-chair Connie Guthrie, (517) 331-2965. Contact them regarding signup, payment and additional information.
Trip chairs will be coordinating a carpooling location.
Buffet Menu includes a salad, pub cheese and crackers, soup, roasted turkey and sage dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, vegetables and dinner rolls. Dessert choices are coconut cream pie, homemade ice cream or a house dessert.
- Seating begins at 5:40 p.m.
- Buffet opens at 6.00 p.m.
- Show begins at 8.00 p.m.
Turkeyville Dinner Theatre Flyer