Trip Presentation, Discover Canyon Country
January 15, 2019, 5 to 6 p.m.
By Collette Tour’s Representative
Tony M’s Restaurant and Banquet Center, 3420 S. Creyts Rd, Lansing.
Click the following link for trip details J&M Club Gateway Link.
The Jug and Mug Ski Club has partnered with Collette Travels for a Club trip, Discover Canyon Country, from September 25 – October 2, 2019. The trip begins in Scottsdale, Az. and ends in Las Vegas. The trip includes: Sedona, Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Bryce and Zion parks. This package includes air fare and transportation to and from the Lansing area to the Detroit Airport with 10 or more.
Please RSVP before the presentation date, January 15, to Barb Tanaka (517) 899-5835 or Deb Maynard (517) 899-9682 as this will allow for planning. Members and non-members are welcome to attend. If you forgot to RSVP, come anyway.
Trip brochures are available and can be picked up at the general meetings or by contacting Sharon Roberts, 517-230-5357. For your convenience, the registration form is included in the brochure; consider completing and paying your deposit this evening to hold your place. At this time, we have 21 interested with 20 spaces reserved.
Questions may also be directed to Sharon Roberts, (517) 230-5357 or Judy Long, (517) 349-0925.
The Club’s General Meeting will follow with social hour at 6:30 and business meeting at 7:30.