Friday, January 24, 2020
― Sunday, January 26, 2020
4:00 pm - 12:00 pm
JANUARY 24 – 26, 2020
AS LOW AS $330
Package Includes: A Friday welcome party, three days of skiing, lodging, 2 breakfasts, Saturday night banquet, door prizes and drink tickets.
Co-Chairs: Rich Rybicki, (517) 663-1854 or
Tom Sarra (419) 376-8744 or
Summit Village/Lakeview Hotel
One to a room is $493. Two to a room is $375, each.
Three to a room is $345 each. Four to a room is $330, each.
Instructions In: Downhill, Cross Country, Telemark or
Snowboarding. All levels from beginner to racer!!
Ski Rental: Skis may be rented at Summit Village or Schuss Village.
Rental equipment rates are: 1 Day $38. 2 Days $72.
Deposit of $100 at sign-up
Balance due Dec. 18, 2019. No cancellations after Dec 18, 2019.
Make payment by mail or see Rich at the General Meetings or Happy Hours. Payment should be mailed to Rich Rybicki, 1245 S. Michigan, Eaton Rapids, MI 47727.
The following form needs be completed and submitted. The information will be sent to Rich.