The Club will be seeing the play “Casting Session” by Jeff Daniels.
Frank and Ron are two middle-aged actors who have been competing for the same roles in New York City and beyond for thirty years. Contains adult language.
- Matinee: 3:00 p.m.
- Cost: $38.00 per person (Non-members welcomed.)
- Sign-up and submit payment at the September 15 and October 20 General Meetings. Make check payable to Jug & Mug Ski Club.
- Meet at 2:40 in the theater lobby to get your ticket.
- Meet at 1 p.m. at the Okemos Park and Ride if you want to carpool. (Behind the Cracker Barrel Restaurant.) Attendees are responsible for their own transportation.
- Questions: Contact trip chair Kurt Mertins at (517) 886.4061 or
After the play, we will eat at
“Smokehouse 52 BBQ”
125 South Main Street.
Cost of the meal is up to you.
2015 November Purple Rose Theater flyer