Purple Rose Theater

Saturday, November 14, 2015
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

The Club will be seeing the play “Casting Session” by Jeff Daniels.

Frank and Ron are two middle-aged actors who have been competing for the same roles in New York City and beyond for thirty years.  Contains adult language.

  • Matinee: 3:00 p.m.
  • Cost:  $38.00 per person  (Non-members welcomed.)
  • Sign-up and submit payment at the September 15 and October 20 General Meetings. Make check payable to Jug & Mug Ski Club.
  • Meet at 2:40 in the theater lobby to get your ticket.
  • Meet at 1 p.m. at the Okemos Park and Ride if you want to carpool.  (Behind the Cracker Barrel Restaurant.) Attendees are responsible for their own transportation.
  • Questions: Contact trip chair Kurt Mertins at (517) 886.4061 or kmertins@hotmail.com.

After the play, we will eat at

“Smokehouse 52 BBQ”

125 South Main Street.

Cost of the meal is up to you.


2015 November Purple Rose Theater flyer