Wednesday, June 17, 2015
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Summer Circle Theater
542 Auditorium Rd. #113
East Lansing, Michigan 48824
MSU Summer Circle Theatre
The Club will be attending the Wednesday, June 17, 8 pm presentation of “The Book of Liz.” The playwrights, David and Amy Sedaris, are both very funny so the play should be fun to watch.
The area fills up fast and since there are no reserved seats, we will meet at 6 pm to claim our area near the Auditorium. Bring a lawn chair or blanket, do a picnic of snacks and drinks and bring a jacket as the evening may cool. If you are not a member and want to join us, we would be delighted if you did.
Summer Circle is easily reached via either the Collingwood entrance to MSU off Grand River or Auditorium Rd. off Bogue Street. Free parking is available in the lot across from the Auditorium Building. Performances in the Summer Circle Courtyard are located on Auditorium Road between the Auditorium Building and the Kresge Art Center.
Afterwards we are going to the Pizza House in Hannah Plaza, 4790 Hagadorn Rd #116, East Lansing. See menu at
Contact Linda Lillie at 517-290-0189 or with questions.