Membership Signups Begin For 2018-19 Fiscal Year

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
6:30 pm - 8:15 pm

Membership Signup & Payments for Fiscal Year 2018-19 Begins

New memberships for $36.00 and membership renewals for $30.00 begin with the April 17 General Meeting at Tony’s M.  Membership renewals for $30.00 ends on June 24.

Current members renewing are to pick up their pre-filled application at the general meeting and make payment to Jug and Mug Ski Club and submit.  Please review your information for correctiveness and do not forget to check the activities you are interested in.    Council and trip chairs does use this information. Cost is $30.

If you are a new member, you will need 3 signatures on your application which will be presented to Council for membership approval.  If you were not a member in 2017-18, your membership will be a new membership.  Cost is $36.