Friday, July 22, 2016
― Sunday, July 24, 2016
Lake View Hotel
7452 Main Street
Mackinac Island, MI 49757
Mackinac Island Weekend
This trip is full. You may contact Joanne if you wish to be put on a wait list should someone cancel.
This is one of the Club’s favorite annual trips. The price includes your room at the Lake View Hotel with a Saturday and Sunday continental breakfast and round-trip ferry transportation on Schepler’s Ferry from Mackinaw City.
Sign-ups will be taken at the April 19, May 17 and June 21 General Meetings. A deposit will hold your spot. Tuesday, June 21, is the last date to cancel and receive a refund.
Cost For Members At Signup May 17 June 21
1/room=$546 per person $80.00 $233.00 $233.00
2/room=$286 per person $80.00 $103.00 $103.00
3/room=$200 per person $50.00 $75.00 $75.00
4/room=$156 per person $50.00 $53.00 $53.00
Non-Member: $582 single, $322 double, $230 triple, $180 quad
If you take your own bicycle, the cost is an additional $10.00 round trip.
Group Activities
Friday: 8:00 pm Dinner Get Together Gate House Restaurant
Saturday 10:00 am Bike ride around the Island; meet in front of Lake View ready to ride.
5:00 pm Mixer and Photo Opportunity.
Meet behind the public library and bring snacks or drinks to share.
If you have questions, contact trip chairs Joanne Creede at (517) 285-4795 or or Tom Sarra at (419) 376-8744 or
Mackinac Island Activities Link
These two bicycle rental shops are near the Lake View Hotel and Shepler’s Ferry.