Sunday, August 20, 2017
1:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Highland River Adventures
114 Mill Street
Eaton Rapids, MI
Float Down the Beautiful Grand River
Highland River Adventures in Eaton Rapids will be the starting place for this trip. After the float to Bunker Hill or McNamara Landing, we will meet on the patio at the Eaton Rapids Craft Co. Restaurant (Mill Street) for beverages and food. If you do not wish to do the float, consider joining others at the restaurant.
- 1:30 P.M., if renting, arrive to begin your rental which includes payment and signing a waiver form. They provide paddles and vests.
- 2 P.M. the float will begin.
By Sunday, August 13, (one week before event) you need to let Christine Wright (978-854-2222) or Bobbie Black (517-282-0111) know you plan to participate in the float and what you wish to rent (kayak or tube) so they can reserve it. Return transportation is provided.
There is no guarantee a kayak or tube will be available for you if not reserved; it has been a busy time on the Grand this year.
To Bunker Hill it takes about 1.5-2 hours by kayak and 3 hours by tube.
- $20.00 for kayak
- $10.00 for a tube (there are single and double tubes.)
To McNamara Lansing it takes about 3 hours by kayak.
- $30.00 for kayak
All questions should be directed to either Bobbi or Christine.