Saturday, October 16, 2021
4:00 pm - 10:00 pm
Rich Rybicki
1245 South Michigan
Eaton Rapids, MI 48827
Rich is hosting a chili cook-off at his home. With fall’s chilly and winter’s cold weather coming, it is a perfect time to spice up your current recipe and/or try a new one.
Bring a pot of chili for sampling and get free entry.
Come as a guest to just sample chilis; entry fee is $5.00.
Prize will be given for the best chili!
Contact Rich at 517-663-1854 for additional information.
Driving Directions: South on M99 from I96, Exit 101 Eaton Rapids. Proceed south about 9 miles, past the English Inn. After Bunker Road, take the first turn around on your left. The tree-lined driveway is directly across from the turn around and Jug and Mug Signs will be posted.