Annual Plant Exchange and Outdoor Party

Saturday, May 21, 2016
2:00 pm - 10:00 pm

Time to gather on the Grand River at the home of Rich Rybicki’s house for the first outdoor party of the season.   This event is always well attended with lots of socializing among friends.

2 p.m. Canoeing and kayaking will begin,  if the weather cooperates.  You will need to bring your own kayak/canoe as kayak rentals at Eaton Rapids are not available until Memorial Day.

4 p.m. The annual plant exchange will be at 4 p.m. When preparing your garden(s),  remember to save and bring those unwanted plants to share with others.   Please label your plant(s).   People prefer to know what they will be planting.

6 p.m. The food will come off the grill.   Bring a dish to pass and your own beverage.

Games, hikes, campfire and fireworks will be included in the day’s events.

Directions:  Take M99/MLK south to Eaton Rapids.  The first turn around past Bunker Hwy. will place you in front of the driveway on the left, going south.  J&M signs will be posted.   If traveling south and you see the fire station on left side of road, you have went to far.

Questions,  contact Rich at 517.663.1854 or