TGIF at Beer Grotto

Friday, January 29, 2016
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Beer Grotto

500 East Michigan Avenue
Lansing, MI

This is the 2nd time that the Club has done a TGIF at Beer Grotto. Come and join us and check it out. No tables will be reserved due the smaller size of the bar. A large selection of beer is available and also wine. The Nut House is across the street for food afterwards, if you choose.

We meet each Friday from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at various Lansing area establishments; from the west to the east side and in between. Bring a friend. It is a great way to unwind from the week and socialize with others.

Refer to the calendar for TGIF locations or contact Linda Lillie at 517- 290-0189 or LMLillie@