Alaska Hubbard Glacier Cruise
May 29 – June 5, 2016
Time has run out to secure a sport on this cruise.
If you have always wanted to see the Glaciers and more, consider this cruise. Join others already signed up to go. Bring a friend(s) or family. You do not have to be a member of the Club to go on this cruise. A $250 deposit is required to hold your Stateroom. Add $36 to your total cost if you are not a Club member. Make checks out to Jug & Mug Ski Club and mail to PO Box 13153, Lansing MI 48901. Be sure to include your contact information.
Cancellation date is February 16, 2016. There is a $30 non-refundable cancellation fee.
Taxes, fees and port expenses are included. Not included at this time is airline flight, side trips, gratuities and hotel rooms. Negotiations with a travel agency are being made to get the best price available.
For details and additional information, contact Bilky Joda-Miller at 517.256.6596 or or Joanne Creede at 517.285.4795 or They are anxious to assist you on a one to one basis.
This Celebrity Cruise will take you to some of the most extraordinary stops along Alaska’s Inside Passage and coastline. You will see glaciers flowing into the sea, forest rising up from the shoreline. Website:
Download and print the flyer for details that include Port/City, payment schedule and stateroom costs.